Opportunities to Teach in Family Conferences

There is room for all in the global outreach. God intended to use every vessel (you inclusive), in making him known to the world. The church is supposed to be a training ground not a resting ground. It is supposed to train and send and not to train and keep. She is supposed to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, which is global.

Along this line and with many other scriptures, we believe that each person is gifted in one way or the other to serve. If you were not given any gift, God would be accused of being partial and of making a vessel without utility in mind. Moreover, you would be totally absolved of any judgment regarding the giving of talents and how those talents were used. Furthermore, this would disqualify you from receiving any reward; and we do not think that God who is fair to all would be cast in this light.


ACF USA Vision

ACF shall be a thriving Christian Community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact their generation and Africa.
